
Is It Possible to Have an Allergic Reaction to Hand Sanitizer?

Is It Possible to Have an Allergic Reaction to Hand Sanitizer?

Hand sanitizer use is becoming increasingly common throughout the country, and with good reason. The trouble is, some people may find that they have an adverse reaction to the stuff. Sometimes this reaction is immediate, that is, on the first use, while other times it doesn't show up for several uses. So what's going on? Is this an allergic reaction, or something else, and can it be solved? What Causes Allergic Reactions? Allergic reactions are your body identifying a generally harmless substance as an invader and stimulating an immune response to fight it off. When the invader is a disease,...

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How to Apply the Proper Amount of Hand Sanitizer Each Time

How to Apply the Proper Amount of Hand Sanitizer Each Time

For obvious reasons, hand sanitizer is becoming a piece of everyday carry equipment, nearly as important as a phone, wallet, or keys. The question is, are you using it properly? It's entirely possible that you're not. How Hand Sanitizer Works Hand sanitizer is generally little more than a gel-like suspension of alcohol in a substance that keeps it thick and less messy to use.  The active ingredient is, of course, the alcohol. Alcohol denatures proteins, essentially tearing them apart. When applied to your hands, it won't shred through your skin, but immersing something like a virus or bacteria in it...

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Can You Apply Hand Sanitizer to Latex or Nitrile Gloves?

Can You Apply Hand Sanitizer to Latex or Nitrile Gloves?

There is a wide variety of different kinds of gloves you can wear to protect your hands from contamination, but by far the most common are latex and nitrile. Both of these kinds of gloves are thin, easy to wear, and disposable. You don't have to worry about cleaning them in general, but if you're out and about, and you don't have replacements on you, you might consider it. The go-to tool for sanitizing hands is hand sanitizer, at least when you can't access soap and water. The question is, will hand sanitizer work to sanitize latex or nitrile gloves? Possible...

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Should You Use Hand Sanitizer Before or After Washing Your Hands?

Should You Use Hand Sanitizer Before or After Washing Your Hands?

If you've been paying attention to global news at all for the past month, you've probably heard tales of the shortages on hand sanitizer and the importance of washing your hands. Yet you know, as you live your daily life, that hand washing isn't always convenient or possible. Hand sanitizer is often the only available option, and these days that's not even a sure thing unless you're bringing the sanitizer yourself. So which is better? Should you use them both? Are there drawbacks to either? Let's dig into the topic and discuss it. How Hand Washing Works Hand washing is...

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