
15 Ways to Avoid Constipation While Traveling Abroad

15 Ways to Avoid Constipation While Traveling Abroad

Travel seems like a glamorous lifestyle. Trend-setters and the movers and shakers of the world are on the move all the time, here one day, gone the next. Countless travel blogs, Instagram accounts, and book writers showcase the vibrant aspects of a life of travel. Sometimes, though, things are not what they seem. It's not all sunshine and rainbows, oh no; there are downsides to such a lifestyle.  One of the less pleasant aspects of travel is, politely named, travel constipation. This morass of bloating, cramping, discomfort, and irregularity can make travel unpleasant and can leave you spending altogether more...

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Not Losing Weight with Meal Replacement Shakes? Here's Why

Not Losing Weight with Meal Replacement Shakes? Here's Why

When you get right down to it, weight loss is a simple mathematical equation. It's math because it's rooted in biology, which is rooted in physics, which runs on laws that cannot be violated by basic humanity. It all comes down to calories. Everything you eat provides you with calories of energy. Nutrients, vitamins, minerals; they're all necessary to fuel the body, but calories are the energy your body uses for everything else. The protein, the carbohydrates, the sugars, it's all fuel. To maintain equilibrium at your current weight, you need to be burning energy at a rate equivalent to...

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Bergamot Essential Oil: Uses, History, and Skincare Benefits

Bergamot Essential Oil: Uses, History, and Skincare Benefits

Bergamot is an extremely interesting plant. You've almost certainly seen bergamot essential oil before, but did you know where it comes from, or what it's used for? What is Bergamot? Bergamot is used as both a flavor and a scent. It has a spicy taste and a soothing, slightly bitter scent, and is very distinctive once you know what to look for.  Bergamot actually comes from a citrus called the bergamot orange. Despite the name, it's not actually orange; rather, it's green like a lime when it's ripe, with hints of yellow like a lemon. Research into the genetics of...

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15 Easy Home Remedies for Repairing Damaged Hair

15 Easy Home Remedies for Repairing Damaged Hair

Hair varies naturally from thick and robust to thin and stringy, but you likely know the natural range of your hair already. When health issues, medication side effects, stress, and treatments damage your hair, making it brittle, dry, or broken, it's natural to want your normal hair back. Is there anything you can do? Do you have to just let it grow out and cut off the damaged parts, or can you treat your hair to restore its natural resilience and luster? Causes for Damaged Hair Whether or not your hair can bounce back depends, in part, on what damaged...

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