The human body is an amazing collection of biological and physiological marvels working together to create a functioning machine. While organic, our bodies function like machines because most parts help keep the others working. The best analogy is to think of our bodies as computers, with the brain as a motherboard, the heart as the power source, etc. In this analogy, the skeleton that surrounds our bodies is the case that shelters the internal components.
Our organs are the most valuable components in the world and need decent protection to function throughout our lives. This makes bone health crucial to staying healthy and shielding the more fragile parts of our biology. When our bones become frail, they become too weak to protect us and can even become dangerous.
Maintaining bone health is usually simple if we follow a healthy diet and engage in a physically fulfilling lifestyle. Unfortunately, not everyone can maintain their bodies the way nature intended. Some people suffer from deficiencies that prevent their skeletal structure from reaching the sturdiness expected of our bones. When people suffer deficiencies that adversely affect bone health, correcting them with any available resources is important.
The only problem is that this begs the question of what supplements are best suited to promote bone health without employing pharmaceuticals or synthetic chemicals. Therefore, we have decided to provide a list of the best natural supplements for bone health so you can make an informed decision.
#1: Vitamin D
One of the more obvious tools for improving bone health is vitamin D, one of the essential vitamins that we need during development. Vitamin D plays a significant role in our health but is notoriously difficult to introduce through food or drink. The best source of vitamin D, aside from supplements, is exposure to sunlight. While sunlight is readily available for most of the day, it can be difficult to carve out time to bask in it.
Most people spend their days indoors for work, and the free time we are given only arrives after the sun has already begun its descent. When we are children, access to sunlight is far simpler since we are given a little more leeway with how we spend our free time.
One of vitamin D's benefits is a significant contribution to bone health. Vitamin D is one of the key ingredients our bodies use to absorb calcium, the foundation of bone structure. Increasing our vitamin D intake to supplement a deficient concentration gives our bodies the resources needed to absorb more calcium. Unfortunately, attempting to supplement vitamin D levels when they are already regulated will have no effect. However, there is scientific evidence linking vitamin D supplementation to improved bone health in deficient individuals.
One study, in particular, assessed 400 elderly adults with vitamin D deficiencies induced by osteoporosis. The study administered vitamin D supplements to patients with deficiencies and demonstrated that the patients in the test group had reduced symptoms of osteoporosis. These results indicate that the vitamin D supplements helped the patients absorb enough calcium to reinforce their bones and mitigate the symptoms of their condition. Vitamin D is a very important substance, but it is insufficient to reinforce the entirety of our skeletal structure.
The current recommended daily intake (RDI) for vitamin D is 600 IU for individuals between the ages of 1 and 70. For pregnant women or individuals 71 or older, the recommended intake is 800 IU.
#2: Calcium
While vitamin D reinforces calcium absorption, sometimes it is better to go straight to the source rather than use the middleman. Fortunately, calcium is much easier to access than vitamin D since it can be supplemented via dietary adjustments. Calcium is most easily acquired by consuming dairy products, which is an easy feat unless you are vegan or lactose-intolerant.
Fortunately, there are alternatives for people whose dietary restrictions prevent dairy consumption. Primarily, calcium supplements can be a viable substitute for a daily glass of milk or a slice of cheese. That said, calcium supplements must be taken with care since large doses can lead to painful side effects like constipation or kidney stones.
A review of 8 studies has linked calcium supplementation to stronger bones when combined with vitamin D supplements. The studies showed that the subjects in the test group had a reduced risk of experiencing bone fractures despite different age demographics and weakened bones from calcium deficiencies.
The risk of fractures was reduced by 15% to 30%, making it a moderate improvement in their bones' strength and a mild increase in their overall skeletal quality. An additional review of 59 studies discovered that increasing calcium intakes led to a slight, albeit not clinically meaningful, increase in bone mass density.
Regardless of supplementation, calcium is one of the most important components in the human body and is responsible for strengthening and reinforcing our skeletal structure. Regulating your diet to include a healthy serving of calcium can help ensure your bones remain healthy throughout your life. You still need to be careful not to overindulge in calcium since it can disrupt your body if consumed in excess.
The RDI for calcium is 700 to 1,200 milligrams.
#3: Collagen
This next option for bone health might come as a surprise since collagen is primarily cited for producing skin, nails, and hair. Because collagen is generally used to produce what is perceived as cosmetic additions to our body, many people overlook its status as a protein. Proteins are an essential building block for the human body and help produce its physical strength and energize it.
Collagen is no exception and plays a role in producing several critical substances in human biology. Among the lesser-known facts about collagen is that our bones are made of it. Without collagen, our skeletal structure would not exist, so collagen levels must be maintained to promote healthy bones in later life.
The problem is that collagen is a protein with diminishing returns, meaning we slowly run out of spare collagen to rejuvenate our bodies. This loss is usually associated with cosmetic issues like wrinkled skin or hair loss, but it also means our bones lose support. It is no secret that our bones lose significant strength as we age, and collagen loss is part of that phenomenon. Fortunately, low collagen levels can be addressed via supplementation or dietary changes to counter the side effects of natural depletion.
Collagen supplements have become a common cosmetic treatment tool, primarily focusing on skin rejuvenation and repair. While these effects are extremely helpful for people looking to restore their appearance, there are more practical reasons to use collagen supplements. The use of collagen supplements has been linked to reinforcing bone strength and counteracting the loss of collagen in our skeletal structure.
One study assessed the use of collagen supplements to counter osteoporosis and osteoarthritis, both of which impact the health of human bones. The study showed promising results that prove collagen has therapeutic benefits for restoring bone strength enough to mitigate the symptoms of these conditions. This is not to say collagen supplementation is a cure for arthritic conditions, but it can make the symptoms of a painful disease more manageable.
Nevertheless, collagen's role in bone health cannot be understated since having more collagen in the body has been linked to improved overall health. Regardless, collagen supplementation is not the last thing we will discuss.
The RDI for collagen is 2.5 to 15 grams for adults, but it is not officially supported by any regulatory agency.
#4: Magnesium
When we hear the word "magnesium," our minds tend to return to high school when memorizing the periodic table of elements for chemistry class. As a result, some people associate magnesium with something toxic or metallic and, therefore, harmful to us. The truth is that magnesium is an essential mineral to our bodies that helps regulate several important bodily functions.
Specifically, magnesium accounts for over 300 reactions in the human body, making it one of the most used minerals in our biology. Given the number of roles magnesium plays in our system, it should not surprise you to learn that some of them pertain to bone health. In fact, 60% of the magnesium in our body is found in bone tissue.
Low magnesium in the body has been linked to diminished bone density and health and an increased risk of osteoporosis. This might seem like idle theory, but studies have confirmed that we need magnesium to help stave off weak bones. One study was conducted on 51 postmenopausal women, which determined that 40% of women with osteoporosis or low bone density had low magnesium levels. Further studies confirmed that increased magnesium concentrations in our diet helped improve bone strength and density, reducing the risk of bone-weakening diseases.
Like most of the substances discussed here, magnesium is a substance that can be introduced via supplementation in case of deficiency. Magnesium intake can be increased by introducing certain foods to your diet. Some magnesium-intense foods include nuts, seeds, legumes, and whole grains. There are others, but there are too many to list in a single article. Nevertheless, you might want to consider increasing your magnesium intake if your bones are considerably weaker than normal.
The RDI for magnesium is 310 to 320 milligrams for individuals between the ages of 19 and 30 and 400 to 420 milligrams for individuals 31 or older.
#5: Boron
While the name might sound boring, boron is a very exciting trace element that is just as significant to human biology as anything else in this article. Boron has a significant role in bone growth and maintenance, making it an essential substance. Boron is a little more complicated than the other substances in this article since it is a trace element rather than a simple mineral or element. Fortunately, we do not need to understand the particulars of boron to recognize its benefits for our skeletal structure. Boron has been scientifically linked with bone health, and studies have proven that boron supplementation can improve the density and strength of our bones.
One study was conducted on postmenopausal women who were given 3 milligrams of boron daily. The women in the test group excreted less calcium and magnesium in their kidneys, allowing more to be retained in their skeletal structure. An animal study on rats discovered that the rats in the test group had reduced bone loss, but more human studies are needed to confirm this effect for our biology.
While boron supplements are an option, a more organic method for increasing boron intake is to consume plums. Plums are widely accepted as the best dietary source of boron on Earth and can be the best fruit for improving bone health via boron intake. Unfortunately, there is no regulated RDI for boron, though a general recommendation of 1 to 3 milligrams daily has circulated among most users.
Keep it All Natural!
Bone health is an extremely important part of the human experience since our bones carry us through life. Without healthy bones, we would collapse under our own weight and lose the ability to function. Unfortunately, our bones weaken as we age, and the aging process is an inescapable part of the human experience.
Nevertheless, we must do whatever it takes to keep our bones as healthy as possible while we age and the resources that kept our bones strong begin to deplete. Supplements are an excellent tool for keeping our bodies working in later life, but the trick is finding the right supplement for the job.
We at Bella All Natural might not have boron supplements, but we can provide our specialized range of collagen products. Whether you want to use our Bella Collagen Powder or prefer the ease of our Bella Collagen Capsules, you can use these supplements to increase your collagen levels. We believe that natural substances are the best choice when trying to improve any aspect of our health. That is why all our products, including our collagen, are made from natural sources to provide the most holistic health experience. With us, you can always keep it All Natural!