We add several substances to our diet to help improve our health. Some are readily accessible in the foods we eat, while others are more difficult to access. Nevertheless, they have become extremely common supplements for thousands of people who subscribe to naturalistic solutions.
Each supplement we add to our diets is used to correct various issues that might affect our overall health. One of the more prevalent examples of these supplemental substances is omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids are easily accessible through food and can be found in concentrated supplements for critical use. For the most part, omega-3 fatty acids are acquired through seafood and certain legumes that are packed with other important nutrients.
Omega-3 fatty acids play a significant role in several diets and supplements, but some concerns exist. Not everyone knows whether omega-3 fatty acids are really beneficial or if they are a hoax. This apprehension is understandable since no one wants to introduce a substance to their body that might harm them or spend money on products that offer no help.
Fortunately, the benefits of omega-3 fatty acids are accurate and are backed by scientific research. However, you do not have to take our word for it when the evidence is readily available. For your convenience, we have brought that information to one article.
#1: Omega-3 Fatty Acids Can Reduce ADHD Symptoms in Children
One of the more common issues plaguing children today is Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). The condition can make it virtually impossible for them to sit still or focus and can lead to impulsive behavior.
The effects of ADHD are often trivialized, but they can lead to several maladaptive behaviors as outlined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5). Fortunately, there is evidence that consuming omega-3 fatty acids can help reduce the symptoms. Several studies have shown that children with ADHD have lower levels of omega-3 fatty acids than their healthy peers.
More studies have proven that omega-3 from fish oil supplements improved attention and task completion in ADHD children. They also found that the supplements reduced the children's hyperactivity, impulsivity, restlessness, and aggression.
#2: Omega-3 Fatty Acids Can Mitigate Depression and Anxiety
Keeping with the theme of mental health, the DSM-5 categorizes depression and anxiety as some of the world's most detrimental mental health issues. If these conditions are left untreated, these conditions can lead to suicidal ideation, which is highly undesirable for anyone. While there is no substitute for counseling from a mental health professional, omega-3 fatty acids have shown significant promise in dealing with these issues.
Studies have found that omega-3 consumption reduced depression and anxiety in the subjects. Additionally, a subtype of omega-3, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), was found to be as effective as traditional antidepressant medication.
Again, we want to stress that you should seek professional aid when dealing with anxiety or depression. Your life is too valuable to let your mental health go by the wayside. Omega-3 supplementation will only go so far without proper counseling.
#3: Omega-3 Fatty Acids Can Reduce Asthma in Children
Returning to the benefits omega-3 fatty acids can provide children, asthma is an especially dangerous condition. They occur when the lungs are inflamed and swollen, reducing the person's ability to breathe properly. These last few decades have seen a worrying increase in asthma rates among children, leaving countless parents worried about their kids' health. While most asthma cases require an inhaler prescription, it is possible to use supplements to help reduce the chances of developing asthma. Omega-3 is one of the substances associated with reduced asthma rates.
Several studies have connected omega-3 consumption with lowered risks of asthma in children and young adults. The research on this effect is still fairly new and requires supplementation, but the results are extremely promising.
#4: Omega-3 Fatty Acids Can Promote Brain Health During Pregnancy
The development of a fetus is a complicated and delicate part of human biology. While childbirth and pregnancy are almost miraculous, they are both predicated on science. Namely, omega-3 fatty acids are crucial for brain growth in infants. While you might take this as a sign to give your child more omega-3-rich foods after they are born, you can start earlier.
While you should avoid sushi, the consumption of omega-3 supplements has been proven to provide the following benefits to children after they are born:
- Improved intelligence.
- Improved communication and social skills.
- Reduced risk of behavioral problems.
- Reduced risk of developmental delay.
- Reduced risk of ADHD, autism, and cerebral palsy.
#5: Omega-3 Fatty Acids Can Improve Fertility in Women
While childbirth is miraculous, it is not perfect, and some people cannot conceive due to physical issues. Women who suffer from low fertility can be left heartbroken at the prospect of never having a child of their own. Because several things can cause infertility, it can be difficult to identify why a woman is having trouble conceiving.
Sometimes, low fertility levels are mistaken for infertility, and supplements can help fix the problem. Back in 2019, a study was conducted to assess the effects of omega-3 supplements on fertility levels. The study found that women taking the supplement were twice as likely to get pregnant, which means omega-3 can help improve your chances of getting pregnant if you are having trouble.
There is also limited evidence to suggest that omega-3 can improve fertility in men. However, this is due to omega-3's status as a nutrient improving men's health.
#6: Omega-3 Fatty Acids Are an Anti-Inflammatory
Inflammation is our body's response to injury and is essential to the healing process. Unfortunately, inflammation can be a double-edged sword since chronic inflammation can be highly detrimental to our health. Chronic inflammation contributes to almost every major illness, including cancer and heart disease.
Fortunately, omega-3 has natural anti-inflammatory effects that can minimize the rate of inflammation and protect us from those conditions. Several studies have consistently observed omega-3's anti-inflammatory properties and have proven that omega-3 reduces eicosanoid and cytokine production. Eicosanoids and cytokines are directly linked to inflammation, and high concentrations lead to chronic inflammation.
#7: Omega-3 Fatty Acids Can Reduce Risk of Heart Disease
While inflammation is a major contributor to heart disease, there are other factors we must be equally cautious about when it comes to our hearts. While heart disease is frighteningly common in modern society, it was once rare among communities that used fish as a primary food source. Modern science has revealed that these communities were spared due to the omega-3 fatty acids in those fish.
Nowadays, several benefits have been linked to omega-3 fatty acids and heart health, including:
- Triglycerides: Omega-3 fatty acids can reduce triglycerides, which are primary contributors to heart disease, by up to 30%.
- Blood Pressure: Omega-3 fatty acids can reduce blood pressure levels. High blood pressure has been directly linked to heart disease and is one of the biggest risk factors.
- High-Density Lipoproteins (HDL): Omega-3 fatty acids can increase the concentration of high-density lipoproteins (HDL). HDL is the "good" cholesterol that promotes a healthy body and heart.
The effects omega-3 has on heart health are one of the driving factors behind its popularity among modern Americans. Heart health afflicts a significant percentage of the human population, and omega-3 can be highly beneficial. However, you might have to alter your diet further to ensure the omega-3 is not outperformed by fast food or other unhealthy substances.
#8: Omega-3 Fatty Acids Can Mitigate Menstrual Pain
Part of being a woman is enduring the menstrual cycle that renews the ovulation process for the following month. Unfortunately, the menstrual cycle can be deeply unpleasant due to the physical effects women are forced to endure during this renewal. Generally, the menstrual process results in cramps, headaches, and general soreness that can severely impact the quality of life.
While most women opt to use ibuprofen to treat the pain they experience during the menstrual process, there is evidence to support omega-3 as a superior tool. Studies have linked omega-3 consumption to reduced menstrual pain and has outperformed ibuprofen in others. While there is no complete way of reducing menstrual pain, omega-3 supplements can provide some of the best relief.
#9: Omega-3 Fatty Acids Can Improve Skin Health
Taking a break from some of the heavier issues that omega-3 can be used to treat, there is evidence linking omega-3 consumption to cosmetic benefits. The skin is the largest organ in the body, or rather on the body. Thanks to the collagen we develop in the womb, our body can grow a highly resilient dermal layer to protect our musculature and organs from the elements.
Unfortunately, our skin loses hydration and elasticity as we age and develops wrinkles across the entire body. While this is a natural part of aging, many people seek to avoid the consequences of age on our dermal layer. Fortunately, omega-3 fatty acids also seem to have the answer to that issue.
The EPA omega-3 we discussed earlier can provide the following benefits for our skin:
- Manage our body's production of oil and rehydrate our skin.
- Prevent hyperkeratinization of hair follicles that produce bright red bumps on the upper arms.
- Reduce the chances of premature aging of the skin.
- Reduce the chances of acne.
While these benefits of omega-3 are primarily cosmetic, they can go a long way in helping us stay in touch with our youth. Furthermore, omega-3 fatty acids have been proven to protect our skin from sun damage that eats away at our remaining collagen levels. Combining omega-3 supplements with collagen supplements can compound the effects and ensure our skin remains youthful for years to come.
#10: Omega-3 Fatty Acids Can Improve Sleep Quality
Another common issue plaguing Americans today is insomnia. The human body needs regular sleep to function properly, and lack of sleep can be fatal after some time. Several causes of insomnia, physical and mental, could explain why you are having trouble sleeping at night. Among the potential causes is an omega-3 deficiency.
Low levels of omega-3 in the body have been linked to sleep apnea in adults and general insomnia in children. Fatty acids are essential for producing melatonin, the chemical our body uses to induce drowsiness so we can sleep. Fortunately, studies have proven that supplementing your omega-3 levels can increase the length and quality of your sleep.
However, if your insomnia persists after supplementation, you should immediately consult your primary care physician. There might be another cause of your insomnia that you should resolve as soon as possible to ensure you do not suffer more severe consequences.
Keep it All Natural!
Omega-3 fatty acids are an extremely important resource for the human body and play a significant role in maintaining our health. Unfortunately, omega-3 is not a substance our bodies produce naturally, and we can only obtain it by eating certain foods or taking supplements. Fortunately, most foods with omega-3 are highly palatable, and the supplements can be virtually tasteless.
Even those with a particular taste are worth the effort, given the sheer number of benefits these acids offer. The benefits outlined in this article do not encompass the entire range of effects omega-3 has on our bodies, but they are some of the most important. The biggest concern is finding an omega-3 source you can rely on and consume at your leisure.
We at Bella All Natural might have the solution to that last concern. Ever since our founding, we have followed the belief that the best solutions are the ones that occur in nature. As a result, we have dedicated ourselves to selling supplements that use natural ingredients with no chemical additives. Among our supplements are omega-3 soft gels that will provide your daily dose with just 2 capsules.
Nothing is more important than your health; you should always have the tools to stay healthy. We encourage you to visit our website and peruse our line of products, but the choice is yours. No matter what you decide, remember always to keep it All Natural!