Everyone wants a healthy complexion. This applies to both health and appearance since both seem to have almost equal importance in modern society. Beauty and health are growing industries in human society, though one is objectively more important than the other. Nevertheless, maintaining a healthy complexion has become a priority for millions worldwide.
While this dedication to health and appearance is admirable, rejuvenating the skin is not easy. While our skin is one of the first things people notice about each other, the organ's function is primarily utilitarian. As a result, our bodies do not prioritize form over function and will only focus on regenerating damaged skin and will not allocate excess resources to making it look good.
Maintaining a desirable complexion is further complicated by the number of issues that affects the skin and causes its appearance to suffer. Several conditions affect the texture and health of our skin, which is already a big problem. While technically less important, some issues cause the skin's coloration to become abnormal. This abnormal pigmentation can wreak havoc on our appearance and cause others to form opinions based on that rather than our personalities. This has made pigment management an important part of cosmetic care and also brought attention to the conditions that cause discoloration.
One of the options for countering discolored skin is skin whitening vitamins for people with fair complexions. The question is: what are they?
What is Hyperpigmentation?
In dermatology, there is a phenomenon called hyperpigmentation that is very common and can adversely affect our appearance. Hyperpigmentation is not technically a skin condition but is instead a term to describe portions of the skin that are darker than the base complexion. The severity of hyperpigmentation varies, and it can consist of small patches, large portions of the skin, or encompassing the entire body. Hyperpigmentation is not dangerous in itself, but it can cause self-esteem issues since some forms of hyperpigmentation can be rough on the eyes. There are multiple kinds of hyperpigmentation, but the 3 most common are:
- Melasma: Melasma is a form of hyperpigmentation that usually manifests on the stomach and face. Unfortunately, it is not limited to these areas and could possibly appear on any part of your body. Melasma is believed to result from hormonal changes, but some debate remains.
- Sunspots: Sunspots, commonly known as liver spots, are probably the most common form of hyperpigmentation. They appear as spots, hence the name, on sections of the skin that are generally left uncovered by clothing or sunscreen. This is because solar rays are responsible for sunspots.
- Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation: Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation is a form of hyperpigmentation that manifests as the site of inflammation. This type of hyperpigmentation is usually caused by acne since several forms of acne cause inflammation at the site the nodule was formed.
As we mentioned earlier, hyperpigmentation alone does not threaten the person who develops it. Unfortunately, the causes of your hyperpigmentation can be a problem depending on the exact reason. Most forms of hyperpigmentation are caused by environmental factors like sunlight and are no threat. Others are caused by an underlying medical condition that interferes with hormones or internal organs. One of the lesser-known causes of hyperpigmentation is Addison's disease. People with Addison's disease have developed hyperpigmentation on their faces, necks, hands, elbows, and knees. Sometimes, the hyperpigmentation Addison's disease causes is a sign that the patient has it.
Pregnancy can also cause hyperpigmentation since pregnant women experience hormonal changes due to the pregnancy. These altered hormone levels could increase the odds of Melasma in pregnant women. Fortunately, several serious conditions that cause hyperpigmentation are not overly common. Nevertheless, the manifestation of this phenomenon can adversely affect your self-esteem and appearance. This is why people have begun using certain resources to minimize or eliminate hyperpigmentation from their complexions.
While you might be eager to begin your anti-hyperpigmentation treatment, there is an important caveat you must consider before starting a routine. Hyperpigmentation varies in origin and severity; in the cases where a medical condition causes it, treating the cosmetic consequences should not be the priority. If you see signs of hyperpigmentation, consult a medical professional to ensure you do not have an underlying medical condition. While it is unlikely for your hyperpigmentation to be a sign of a serious health issue, the aforementioned Addison's disease is a condition that requires lifelong treatment.
If your doctor gives you a clean bill of health, your hyperpigmentation is likely the result of inflammation or sun exposure. In this case, you should consider finding a product that can help you manage the cosmetic consequences of hyperpigmentation so you can have the complexion you want. The only thing left to figure out is what kind of products can help you treat your hyperpigmentation.
What Are Skin Whitening Vitamins?
Skin whitening vitamins are not common tools since most people do not put much stock in complexion-changing supplements. Furthermore, most people tend to ignore minor forms of hyperpigmentation and choose to live with it. Nevertheless, there is a market for skin whitening vitamins to restore a fair complexion after developing hyperpigmentation. These vitamins usually contain ingredients that promote healthy skin using natural resources. Most skin whitening vitamins employ essential vitamins important to our health and appearance. The main vitamins used include vitamins C, B12, and E.
Each of these vitamins plays important roles in human biology that vary in importance but are all essential. These 3 vitamins also play significant parts in skin health and appearance, each promoting a different aspect of skin recovery.
The role each vitamin plays is as follows:
- Vitamin C: Produces more collagen. Vitamin C is one of the key ingredients our bodies need to manufacture more collagen. Collagen is extremely important to skin health since it created our dermis while we were in the womb and is responsible for repairing it after birth.
- Vitamin B-12: Promotes the body's production of collagen and supports new skin cell growth. This means vitamin B-12 helps restore your skin and enables it to regrow after suffering minor damage.
- Vitamin E: Helps heal scarring along the body, removing blemishes left behind after certain injuries. Some scars are too large for vitamin E to purge completely, but the chances are higher if you have a high concentration. This repair also lightens the skin that was discolored by the scarring.
Skin whitening vitamins usually employ these vitamins and other substances that promote healthier complexions. The skin whitening vitamins help the users reduce dark spots caused by hyperpigmentation and restore a uniform complexion. Bear in mind that some instances of hyperpigmentation will remain noticeable by having light skin that is marginally darker than the rest. However, they will help ensure your hyperpigmentation is more difficult to notice unless someone scrutinizes your face.
Bear in mind that skin-whitening vitamins are not going to yield immediate results. Like any health product, these vitamins need time to work because the body needs to absorb the substance and apply the effect. Because of the different skin types between individuals, the exact timeframe will vary, but you should start seeing some results within 2 weeks of application. That said, the main concern is the product quality you are using to address your complexion and the severity of the hyperpigmentation. While the vitamins seen in some products can help combat hyperpigmentation, other substances make valuable additions to a skin-lightening product.
Almond Oil for Skin Whitening
There is a natural apprehension whenever the term "oil" is used concerning skincare since most people associate oil with blemishes. This is unsurprising since excess sebum has been linked to increased acne breakouts and other skin issues people want to avoid. Despite the problems oil can cause, certain types promote healthier, fairer skin. These are known as nourishing oils that synergize with the body and promote natural functions to improve appearance and condition. One nourishing oil that has developed a reputation for skin health is almond oil, which has started showing signs of skin protection and health when applied topically.
More research is needed, but there are signs that almond oil can help restore the fairness of your complexion when dealing with hyperpigmentation. Almond oil is an anti-inflammatory with a track record for reducing hypertrophic scarring. Additionally, almond oil has significant vitamin E concentrations as a key ingredient. This means almond oil provides one of the main vitamins used in skin whitening vitamins. Almond oil has been used to address several skin issues, with research corroborating certain effects. Among these benefits is evening out skin tone, meaning almond oil can reduce the severity of hyperpigmentation.
Almond oil's effects are limited to the skin's surface because that is where the majority of the oil stays throughout the process. This means that certain cases of hyperpigmentation might be too severe for almond oil to handle alone. While this limitation might make almond oil seem ineffective, there are other products it is usually combined with to reach the zenith of its effects. Fortunately, most skin whitening products use multiple substances by default. The question is: what synergizes with almond oil?
Shea Butter for Skin Whitening
Another substance that has been growing in popularity amongst skincare enthusiasts is shea butter. Shea butter is a type of fat extracted from the nuts of the Vitellaria paradoxa, colloquially known as the shea tree, in Africa. Shea butter has become a popular substance in the cosmetic industry since it is a primary ingredient for several skin and hair products. Shea butter is similar to coconut oil, which helped elevate it in the cosmetic industry. This also means shea butter is an effective base that can be combined with other substances to make effective cosmetic products.
This means shea butter can accommodate substances like almond oil to create a medium for the latter's introduction to your skincare routine. Furthermore, shea butter has several benefits for the skin that compound with almond oil. Most notably, shea butter is an anti-inflammatory, making it a powerful tool for combatting post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation and other inflammatory skin conditions. Additionally, shea butter has a large vitamin E concentration, which offers the same benefits as almond oil while providing additional effects.
Finally, shea butter is a moisturizer, meaning the skin is rehydrated when a product with shea butter is applied. While this does not necessarily impact hyperpigmentation, it gives your skin the resources necessary to stay healthier so the anti-hyperpigmentation effects can take hold without interference.
Shea butter is primarily useful when combined with other ingredients since the effects are limited when used independently. Fortunately, shea butter has become an important ingredient in countless cosmetic products. Shea butter is also a natural substance harvested from trees and works best when combined with other natural substances.
Keep it All Natural!
Skin discoloration can severely diminish our confidence in our appearance and make it seem like we are unattractive or flawed. While this is not true, there is no shame in wanting to reduce discoloration and preserve your complexion. Hyperpigmentation is a common enough issue that treatments have been developing for years to address the problem.
While there are several options on the market, most hyperpigmentation treatments are based on pharmaceutical substances that have heavy-duty ingredients. Natural alternatives might be preferable for those with sensitive skin, even insofar as skin whitening vitamins are concerned. Fortunately, there are options for those who want to avoid the more intense pharmaceutical options. Products with almond oil, shea butter, and other natural compounds can improve skin health. The trick is finding a reliable product.
We at Bella All Natural know finding natural skin care products can be difficult, so we have made it our mission. Our Skin Lightening Scrub is made with shea butter and almond oil and is designed to exfoliate and brighten the skin. Our product could be just what you need to combat hyperpigmentation and does so without artificial or pharmaceutical ingredients. We encourage you to visit our website to see for yourself what we can offer for your natural skincare routine. Regardless of your choice, always remember to keep it All Natural!