There is a growing fascination with supplements in modern society, likely in response to the high cost of traditional medical treatment. While supplementation can be extremely valuable for reinforcing our health, it will not replace proper medical care. Nevertheless, supplementing your health with the proper tools can be incredibly effective for people who want to improve their resistance to illness and infection.
Some supplements also improve physical health and help manage the symptoms of injuries so we can return to the quality of life we had before. One product that has gained traction with the holistic community is moringa, which has become a very popular supplement. Like many supplements, moringa is a natural tool that has been refined and marketed as a holistic alternative to certain medications.
While moringa can be beneficial to our health, there is a major concern that many people overlook that might impact its viability. Whether we use prescription medication or supplements, side effects are a concern we must always consider if we want to maintain our health. Side effects are a common issue with virtually any product we use, especially supplements and medication that work to alter our physical health.
Sometimes, side effects are minor issues that are inconsequential. Conversely, side effects can be devastating and make our health worse than it was before we began using the product. The question many people overlook is whether moringa has side effects and what they are.
What is Moringa?
Moringa oleifera is a drought-resistant tree from the Moringaceae family, native to the Indian subcontinent. The common name "moringa" is derived from the genus it belongs to, but moringa is also known by other names like "drumstick tree." M. oleifera was first discovered in 2,000 B.C., making it an extremely old tool that has had a role in Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years.
In fact, moringa was once identified as "the miracle tree" by the doctors of the time because of its medicinal benefits. At the time, the wealthy aristocrats of society took moringa for a few reasons that improved their health and appearance. Eventually, modern medicine rendered moringa obsolete to the upper echelons of society, and the plant was relegated to the role of a supplement.
Since then, moringa has been marketed as a natural health supplement to demographics wanting to minimize their pharmaceutical-grade medication intake. Moringa's growing popularity is unsurprising considering the plant's large list of benefits. More people have begun using moringa to bolster their health, but that has not eliminated the biggest concern.
Moringa, like all substances, causes biological reactions in our bodies that affect everyone differently. Generally, the reactions caused by moringa are positive and can be extremely beneficial to those with faltering health. The problem is that most substances also have negative reactions in our bodies that we must consider if we are going to use them safely.
These negative reactions can harm our health despite the product being designed to improve it. The question of the hour is whether moringa carries the risk of side effects like the prescription medication people are trying to avoid.
Does Moringa Have Side Effects?
Side effects are common with several health products; even simple tools like aspirin can cause problems. Side effects are usually a result of a chemical incompatibility between a substance and our unique biological profile. Similar to how some people are allergic to peanuts, some react negatively when introducing a new substance. As a result, side effects are not guaranteed to manifest in everyone who takes a particular medication or supplement.
Some people are predisposed to them and will suffer the incompatibility for the rest of their lives. Insofar as moringa is concerned, there is good news regarding side effects. According to modern studies, moringa has few side effects on the human condition, making it safe for our consumption. This is not to say moringa is 100% safe, but the side effects it causes are either minor issues or extremely rare.
The side effects M. oleifera causes are as follows:
- The alkaloids in M. oleifera are natural blood thinners, meaning they lower blood pressure. This side effect means you must avoid taking moringa supplements with anticoagulants or blood thinners.
- The same alkaloids can also slow the heart rate. This is not to say moringa will make your heart stop, but it can alter the rate at which your heart pumps blood.
- Moringa can cause minor gastrointestinal disturbances like gas or diarrhea, though this issue is present in several substances. Moringa has laxative properties, which is why it is capable of causing these particular issues.
While moringa has a few side effects, there is little research to indicate the presence of more serious complications. Ultimately, M. oleifera is considered safe for human consumption and can be enjoyed with minimal issues. Nevertheless, you should consult with your primary care physician to ensure you do not have an allergy or underlying condition that might cause conflicts with the substance.
This is especially important since M. oleifera supplements are not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). As a result, there are no official guidelines surrounding moringa consumption, so consulting with a physician is the best way to determine your compatibility. Once your doctor clears you from consuming moringa, you can take advantage of its benefits.
Additionally, it is advised that pregnant women or mothers who are nursing infants avoid using moringa. No evidence suggests that consuming moringa while nursing or pregnant harms your child, but this is because no research has been conducted on the issue. The general recommendation is to avoid using it to prevent potential issues.
This recommendation is because an infant's immune system is still developing and might be susceptible to problems caused by the moringa since their body is not equipped to handle the new compounds. Nevertheless, moringa is safe for adults and children 2 months or older.
There is another risk of moringa consumption that has nothing to do with side effects and everything to do with its manufacture. While moringa is a natural substance, producing supplements requires a reliable crop of the tree from which it grows. Sometimes, there are bad harvests, and the vendors who profit from the plant are left with lackluster products. Some manufacturers counter the natural obstacles of growing moringa by adding ingredients to their powder to make it seem more effective than it is.
You should carefully examine the label of any moringa supplement you consume to ensure no unwanted ingredients depreciate the plant's value. While knowing about the potential issues and risks associated with moringa consumption is important, another question might be on your mind: what are the benefits of taking moringa?
What Are the Benefits of Moringa?
Despite being a plant, moringa has earned a large following amongst supplement enthusiasts thanks to its wide range of benefits. Moringa's benefits have caused many to seek supplements to treat certain issues they might be facing. While no one uses moringa as a complete substitute for traditional medication, supplementing with moringa has proven useful to most people.
If you have never used moringa before, you might wonder what makes it so popular compared to other supplements. One of the main reasons moringa is such a popular option is because it offers benefits for health and appearance, making it especially valuable for people with issues with either. Cosmetic and health issues are common problems nationwide, meaning any supplement that can address both is invaluable. Moringa's cosmetic benefit is limited to the skin and hair. Specifically, research conducted on moringa seed oil discovered that the substance could protect and nourish those body parts.
More research is needed to confirm moringa's benefits for skin and hair, but the basic concept is that the substance reduces oxidative stress. As a result, there is less irritation and stress on the skin and hair, allowing for a healthier complexion and head of hair. Unfortunately, this particular benefit requires a more in-depth study of human subjects since most studies were conducted on animals. Fortunately, moringa has other benefits that are just as viable.
While moringa's effect on skin and hair might not be fully researched, the protection against oxidative damage is a real benefit. Moringa is an excellent source of antioxidants, which protect the body from oxidative stress caused by free radicals.
The antioxidant concentrations of moringa lend credence to the protection it offers to skin and hair. However, there are other reasons antioxidant concentrations are important to a supplement's composition. Antioxidants have been tied to health benefits that protect against certain diseases and illnesses that afflict a large demographic. Specifically, the antioxidants in moringa have been known to protect against type 2 diabetes and heart disease.
Oxidative stress is a major contributor to both issues, so minimizing the potential damage makes it invaluable. That said, moringa alone will not be enough to stave these issues off, and you must make the necessary lifestyle changes to ensure neither condition catches you by surprise. Nevertheless, a moringa supplement could provide extra protection to keep them at bay.
Moringa further compounds the body's defense against diabetes by helping regulate glucose levels in the bloodstream. Glucose, or blood sugar, is a major contributor to diabetes and a leading issue in America. This is hardly surprising given the abundance of processed, sugary foods available at almost every store. A study took 30 women and divided them into a test and control group to assess moringa's effect on their glucose levels. The women in the test group were given 7 grams of moringa leaf powder daily for 3 months, and they showed a 13.5% reduction in their fasting blood sugar levels.
Oxidative damage is not the only issue that moringa can reduce. Moringa is a powerful anti-inflammatory, likely because the plant contains isothiocyanates (anti-inflammatory compounds). Inflammation is a leading aspect of injuries and contributes to serious illnesses and diseases like heart disease and cancer.
Moringa's anti-inflammatory effects are not well-researched, with the only studies being test-tube and animal studies on moringa's anti-inflammatory properties. While more human studies are needed to confirm moringa's effect on inflammation in human bodies, the non-human studies are extremely promising and indicate that moringa might be a highly effective tool for people dealing with inflammatory injuries.
Another big benefit associated with moringa is that it plays a role in regulating cholesterol levels, which is an increasingly important function in modern society. America runs on fast food and processed snacks since they are the most affordable and easily accessible compared to home-cooked, healthy meals.
As a result, many Americans have cholesterol issues since the foods we frequently consume elevate the concentration of high-density lipoproteins (HDL). High HDL levels increase the risk of heart disease and are a leading issue in the country, but evidence suggests that consuming moringa can reduce HDL levels. Several plants share this ability, but moringa brings other benefits to the table that make it a more effective tool for lowering cholesterol naturally.
Keep it All Natural!
Moringa is a highly effective supplement that has helped people address multiple health and cosmetic issues. Moringa is not the only plant that has gained traction as a supplement in modern society, but it is one of the more successful examples. Several supplement vendors offer moringa as one of their major products, but some vendors are unreliable since they might adulterate their products.
We mentioned before that the FDA does not regulate supplements like moringa, meaning the vendors have a lot of freedom to add unwanted ingredients or use lesser harvests to maximize profit. Therefore, while there are few side effects of moringa consumption, you must ensure the product you use comes from a reputable vendor.
We at Bella All Natural have made it our mission to offer natural supplements to address health and appearance. We have cultivated a large catalog of products designed to offer different benefits that help you reach the best version of yourself without pharmaceutical assistance. Among our product list are our Moringa Juice and Moringa Capsules, which offer a healthy dose of moringa without any artificial additives.
If you want to take advantage of moringa's benefits, we encourage you to visit our website and try our products. Regardless of your decision, remember always to keep it All Natural!