Few developments in a woman's life are as exciting as preparing to have a child. Becoming a mother is often cited as one of the most fulfilling things a woman can do in her life. While becoming pregnant and dealing with the nine months of fetal development is not the easiest thing in the world, it leads to raising a happy and healthy child. So, if you have decided to become a mother, you are likely eager to start as soon as possible so you can raise your child. Unfortunately, having a child is not always as simple as deciding to become a mother.
To become pregnant, a woman must be fertile. Fertility is a complicated part of female biology that requires a little more intensive care than most other parts of the female experience. However, high fertility lends itself to your chances of becoming pregnant and experiencing the joy of motherhood. Unfortunately, not every woman can become pregnant as some suffer from reduced fertility.
Fortunately, you can take a few steps to prepare your body for the pregnancy you aim to create. This article will serve as a checklist for how to enhance your fertility to ensure pregnancy and begin the journey to motherhood.
#1: Tracking Your Cycle
The first step to managing your fertility and preparing for pregnancy should be checking your ovulation cycle. While we are certain that you are already fully aware of this and likely already tracking your cycle, first-time mothers might not be tracking their cycles. You're not able to get pregnant any day of the month. The female body does not work that way, and you are only viable over a six-day window once a month. You can generally track your ovulation window by tracking your most recent period.
You can track your cycle by counting the days from that period to the next to determine your menstrual cycle. However, there is no need to do manual calculations anymore, given that calculators exist to take the guesswork out. Once you know when you ovulate, your best bet is to attempt impregnation within the three days before your actual ovulation. Those three days are when you are most fertile.
#2: Following a Balanced Diet
While it might seem a bit obvious, maintaining a healthy and balanced diet is crucial to your fertility and chances of pregnancy. While your body needs a steady stream of nutrients and vitamins to remain healthy anyway, it is also important to fertility levels and pregnancy rates.
Consuming too many unhealthy foods can cause your body to lose its capacity to carry a child to term. If your body is not receiving the proper nutrition to sustain itself, it will not be able to produce the biological resources needed for you to become pregnant. Therefore, when preparing for a pregnancy, you will want to focus on a diet rich in ingredients conducive to fertility.
One of the most popular diets for this goal is the Mediterranean diet. The diet focuses on replacing certain snack foods and meals with alternatives known to be healthier for the body. For example, the Mediterranean diet would have you replacing snacks like crackers and chips with celery and carrots. The former is rife with harmful fats and lacks nutrition, while the latter is the opposite. By substituting these snack foods, you introduce a host of highly beneficial nutrients like vitamin B12 and Omega-3 fatty acids. These nutrients are renowned for their effects on fertility and can drastically enhance your chances of getting pregnant.
#3: Introducing Fertility Supplements
This step is not strictly necessary, but several situations require additional supplements to enhance your fertility levels. Most supplements involve the use of certain ingredients known to provide fertility-enhancing effects. One of the most effective supplements for fertility is maca root, which has been ground into capsules or powders and added to the diet. Maca is preferred for couples looking to get pregnant because most research indicates that it can enhance fertility in both women and men.
Studies conducted on men found that maca could enhance the concentration of sperm they produced. Comparatively, women who consume maca can increase their estrogen and progesterone concentrations to produce healthier eggs and help through the early stages of the child's life. In addition, maca is often combined with other supplements that introduce several fertility-enhancing benefits. When marketed toward women, these mixes are known as fertilizer kits designed to promote fertility in women and make getting pregnant that much simpler. However, diet and supplements are not going to be enough to ensure that you will be able to start your family.
#4: Consulting With a Dentist
This step might seem strange and out of place compared to the other steps on this checklist. However, it is no less important. Checking in with your dentist can profoundly affect your pregnancy if you are dealing with certain dental health issues. While this does not affect your fertility as much, poor dental health can put the baby you worked so hard to create in danger of health complications or even cost you the child altogether. Periodontal disease has been directly linked to pregnancy complications by the Center for Disease Control.
The biggest issue associated with dental health issues and pregnancy is that it can cause your child to be premature. The scariest part is that there is no concrete evidence as to why this happens, only that they are indeed linked. Preterm children often suffer from health complications or severe health issues that can cost them their lives.
The best way to avoid this potentiality is to remain current with your dental health and visit the dentist for regular teeth cleanings to avoid any dental health issues. We know this particular tip is a bit of a departure from the other factors of fertility and pregnancy, but it remains a valid component of the process.
#5: Consulting With a Doctor
Despite being the fifth step listed here, you should do this early in your pregnancy plans. Whether you go through a general practitioner or an OBGYN, scheduling a preconception appointment can be crucial to your ability to produce a healthy child. This is because the preconception appointment allows you to assess your physical health and fertility levels before you begin trying to enhance them.
The physician will assess your general health and check for conditions such as:
- Obesity
- Depression
- Diabetes
- Thyroid Disease
- High Blood Pressure
These can negatively affect your unborn child and cause complications when born. Additionally, they will likely also refer you to a specialist to assess your fertility so you can be sure your body is fully equipped to handle a pregnancy. For the best results, you should try to book an appointment three months before you intend to start trying for a child. This way, you can get a full panel with time to spare before you get started.
#6: Giving Up Vices
This next step is something that you likely knew was coming before you opened this article. One of the biggest health concerns during pregnancy is the vices you enjoy when you are not carrying an unborn child. Smoking cigarettes or marijuana, drinking alcohol, and even vaping are some of the worst things you can do when pregnant.
However, the last thing you should do is give it up cold turkey once you are pregnant. Your best bet is to begin kicking your habits long before you are pregnant and preferably before you start trying for a baby.
An early start is important because withdrawal from these substances can be excruciating. Not because it causes physical pain (though it can), but your impulse control and temperament are extremely fragile when you withdraw from these substances.
We know you likely would not do anything to harm your child intentionally, but even a single slip-up with these vices could cause health complications for your child. If you try to kick the habit while pregnant, you will find it much harder to resist since you will also be swimming in hormones that further cloud your judgment. So, you will want to start early, so your withdrawal symptoms are completely gone by the time you are pregnant.
#7: Creating an Exercise Routine
Another part of keeping your body healthy enough to sustain a child involves a carefully crafted workout regimen. Your physical health is about more than what you put into your body, but the shape of your body. Your physical strength and the development of certain muscles help promote healthier circulation of essential hormones in the body and enable you to endure the strain of pregnancy more effectively. Muscle mass is not even the main goal of the exercise routine. The main purpose is to ensure your body is a healthy weight to protect the child growing inside you.
Children born to obese mothers have a higher risk of developing congenital disabilities that could compromise their health. Excess body fat also interferes with diagnostic tests like ultrasounds and prevents the doctor from being able to check the child's heart rate in the womb reliably. It can also increase the odds of premature birth or, worst case, a stillbirth.
Exercise is also important to your health since obesity can increase your risks of health complications as your body strains to maintain the fetus and then deliver it. Subscribing to and maintaining a regular exercise regimen can greatly enhance the odds of a safe and healthy birth.
#8: Reducing Stress
The final endeavor of promoting a healthy pregnancy and increasing fertility involves your mental state. While mental strains differ from physical strains, one can cause the other fairly easily. Specifically, you will want to manage your stress levels if you want to maintain your fertility and ensure your unborn child's health. Stress can kill if you do not manage it properly, as excess stress can cause your body to react poorly and induce other health conditions that will affect your pregnancy.
One of the biggest problems that stress causes is high blood pressure. When your blood pressure is high, it restricts your blood flow. When you are delivering your child, this can cause health complications for both you and the child. For the child, it can cause them to be born prematurely or underweight. For you, high blood pressure puts you at high risk for preeclampsia.
Preeclampsia can cause damage to your brain and internal organs and even jeopardize your life by increasing your risk for eclampsia and stroke. So, one of the most important things you can do is minimize stress by taking time to relax and engage in activities that soothe you.
Keep it All Natural!
The process of having a child is a beautiful part of being human. Unfortunately, getting pregnant is not as simple as you might hope. Several potential complications that impact your fertility levels can extend to your pregnancy when you conceive a child. A lot of preparation needs to go into your decision to become a mother, and it is not something you can jump into headfirst. While some of the preparation involves a lifestyle change and visits to doctors, the decision to supplement your health is one you can make of your own volition. First, however, you will need to find an effective and reliable fertilization kit.
Fortunately, we at Bella All Natural are here to help improve your fertility. We offer a fertilization kit that focuses on maca root and other healthy substances known to enhance fertility levels and protect your pregnancy in the long term. We know that it is always disappointing when getting pregnant takes longer than expected, but with the right knowledge and tools, you can ensure your pregnancy comes quickly.
We believe that the supplements you use to do so should focus on natural ingredients so you can enjoy a healthy pregnancy when the time comes. So, feel free to visit our website and order a fertilization kit. Regardless of whether you do, remember always to keep it All Natural!
Do you have any questions about anything we mentioned today? Was there something that you believe we missed and should add on to this checklist? If yes to either, be sure to leave us a comment down below! We'll gladly answer any of your questions, and would love to make this list as comprehensive as possible!